nanogui: Images not drawn (FLTK+nxlib app with nano-X)

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Subject: RE: [nanogui] Images not drawn (FLTK+nxlib app with nano-X)
From: "Martin Kajdas" ####@####.####
Date: 26 Jan 2006 20:16:43 +0000
Message-Id: <CF2BB830A62F914F848E5AD5FFF57AC22914B7@mkmail.MKPROD.COM>

I fixed it (almost) by making following changes:

---	2003-05-18 04:06:08.000000000 +0000
+++ SetClip.c	2006-01-26 11:58:00.642885864 +0000
@@ -4,7 +4,12 @@
 XSetClipOrigin(Display *display, GC gc, int clip_x_origin, int clip_y_origin)
+	GR_GC_INFO	gcip;
 	GrSetGCClipOrigin(gc->gid, clip_x_origin, clip_y_origin);
+	GrGetGCInfo(gc->gid, &gcip);
+	GrOffsetRegion(gcip.region, clip_x_origin, clip_y_origin);
 	return 1;
I would like to know if it makes sense to you and why GrSetGCClipOrigin() did not do it correctly?
Why the call to GrOffsetRegion() is necessary?
If it makes sense to you, then you can check this into nxlib CVS.

The only problem now is that some of my images are slightly clipped on the right edge. I think this is a rounding to the byte/word(?) boundary.
Is there a problem with image widths not divisible by 8?


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Haerr ####@####.####
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:18 PM
To: Martin Kajdas
Subject: Re: [nanogui] Images not drawn (FLTK+nxlib app with nano-X)

Martin -
    Thanks for the info, seems like you're on to the one or
more problems.  I'm slammed with work and don't have the
source handy, and leaving for a road trip tomorrow.  So here's
some thoughts to keep you going:

To find the clipping code in NXLIB, grep for Clip should
find it, I can't recall having to set clipping for images directly,
but FLTK could easily be doing it.  Just commenting out the
user clip call would be a good start.  IIRC, FLTK has issues
with hard-locations for windows, and perhaps there needs to
be an offset passed (or clip offset API called) in order to
fix the clip issue.

I can't remember where we check the transparent color of an icon,
and I think it might be a kluge where the 0,0 location is used for
the transparent color.  Again, comment it out, perhaps we need
a better algorithm for determining the transparent color (like inspecting
the mask?)  Also - the hard coordinates issue with FLTK could
still be an issue here; when we wrote the PIXIL PDA solution,
we had problems when we moved the applicaiton around,
FLTK stored coords differently than nano-X did.

Hopefully this helps, I'll be around later tonight also.



What I wrote in the previous email is 'almost' correct.
What I noticed also, is that the icon's transparent color of the icon is
also referenced at 0,0.
When the icon is drawn at 10,10 the image is drawn at 10,10 but it is
overlaid with transparency layer referenced at 0,0.
Therefore, it may not be due to only clipping but to image overlaid with
transparency layer at 0,0 (wrong!) location.

This also explains my other problem with the icon being 'wrong' color as
mentioned in my original email.
At that time I did not think the two problems were related.

One other hint, I have one image being draw correctly even though it is not
at 0,0 but at the 0,0 location of a new window.
This makes me believe that it is not related to absolute location of the
screen but of the currently active window.


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Kajdas
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 3:18 PM
To: 'Greg Haerr'
Subject: RE: [nanogui] Images not drawn (FLTK+nxlib app with nano-X)


I have a very good hint and with it I believe we can fix this.
The problem is that the clipping region is referenced to the 0,0 location of
the screen and not the location of the image.
I tested it and I can see the second icon if I can place it close to the
upper left corner.

To make it clear here is an example:
If I place the icon at 0,0 location of the screen, I can see the whole icon.
If I place the icon at 10,10 location of the screen, I can see the icon with
10 pixels of it shaved from right and bottom of the image.

Because my icons are small and way away from 0,0 location they are not
showing because the are outside clipping region located at 0,0.

Let me know where in code (nxlib I believe) we need to fix this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Haerr ####@####.####
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:55 PM
To: Martin Kajdas
Subject: Re: [nanogui] Images not drawn (FLTK+nxlib app with nano-X)

Thanks Martin.  I've got to leave town for a couple of days, hopefully
I can get to this on Sunday.  I'll continue to help you get this solved...



I reduced my code to minimum to show the problem.
The code 'icontest.fl' is FLTK-1.1.6 (fluid) code which then generates
'icontest.h' and 'icontest.cxx'.
I statically link it with nxlib-0.45 and other required libraries and
generate 'icontest' linux executable.
I am using framebuffer display with 5:6:5 RGB color resolution.
I run it with nano-X as usual and the result is that one icon is displayed
(MKlogoIcon.png) and the other (filenew.png) is not. The FLTK loads the png
files and stores them in code but I also tried to load them dynamically at
run time with the same results.

I provided you all of the files except FLTK.
Try to run 'icontest' with nano-X and see if you get my results.
If so, try to use my icons with your program to see if the problem is
somehow related to my icons (size, color,...)
Both icons show up correctly with X11 server, so the problem is with nxlib
or nano-X.


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Haerr ####@####.####
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 12:43 PM
To: Martin Kajdas; ####@####.####
Subject: Re: [nanogui] Images not drawn (FLTK+nxlib app with nano-X)

> The problem is that most of my images (mostly 32x32 icons) are not
drawn/shown at all.
Some images are being loaded from files but most are statically stored in
arrays (FLTK loads them and puts them into code during code generation).
There is one image that shows up correctly and one that is almost right
(there is some color issue that is not exactly right but I will get to that
another time).

Image display using NXLIB can run into problems quickly.  Xlib has a HUGE
section of code for XPutImage that will convert any format image to any
other format, negotiated with the XServer, etc.  Since I had no desire to
rewrite all of X11's image code, we don't perform all these conversions.
That is to say, X11 will allow any bpp image format to be displayed,
of the server hw format.   With nano-X, originally, we only allowed a single
bitmap format (not to be confused with MWIMAGEHDR format, which is
different, here we're talking about pixmap formats): we allowed only the
hw bpp format.  That is, if you're running 16bpp 565, then the pixmap
had to be in that format.  In most cases, this was never an issue, including
almost all X11 programs I've come across.  Except - we needed to handle
1bpp (monochrome) images, regardless of hw bpp format.  So there
is some code in NXLIB to handle that conversion; although it isn't complete,
since nano-X itself doesn't actually handle that format (which is the
proper fix).

I don't know yet what the issue is with your images, but we need to get some
debug code that shows what format the image is arriving in (I think there's
already debug code in Image.c::putImage() that does this).

Please give some more detailed info so I can help debug this issue.

> When I checked the foreground/background values, they were both zero which
I already discovered do not work properly when drawing fonts.
After I changed the foreground color to 1, there was no change; still no
This makes sense to me because the foreground/background values should not
be used when drawing images because it should be a straight memory copy from
an image array to frame buffer (with some conversions).

Agreed.  Image output doesn't use fg/bg values, unless its a monochrome
see above.

> My belief is that the images are either drawn transparent or not drawn at
all but what would decide why some images are drawn and some are not?

I'm not aware of Xlib supporting transparency on pixmaps without extensions.
need to find what mechanism is being used for transparent drawing.  Mono
can be drawn using fg only, thus allowing single color transparent drawing.



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Previous in thread: 26 Jan 2006 20:16:43 +0000 Re: Images not drawn (FLTK+nxlib app with nano-X), Greg Haerr
Next in thread: 26 Jan 2006 20:16:43 +0000 Re: Images not drawn (FLTK+nxlib app with nano-X), Greg Haerr

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