nanogui: My touchscreen driver gives strange results!

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Subject: Re: AW: [nanogui] My touchscreen driver gives strange results!
From: ####@####.####
Date: 6 Aug 2007 08:48:00 +0100
Message-Id: <1186386393.6621.8.camel@localhost>

Thanks for your helpful description!
But does your workqueue tasklet send a wakeup signal to the wait queue
once for each measurement?
Let's say you write a loop which uses a blocking read on your driver,
and then print out coordinates as it comes from the device.
Does it print out many lines for each press, or does it average one
coord for each touch?
My driver does the later.

I've also changed my driver to work like (what I think) other
touchscreen drivers. As long as you hold your finger down, it keep
delivering XY data, and when you release your finger, it'll stop (with a
finishing data with pressure set to 0).

It still won't work with mou_touchscreen.c !

I've added a printf to the "Read" which tells me all data goes into
nano-X. But nano-X doesn't trigger a "mouser down" event.

I'm doing all AD handling within an coexisting Atmel AVR which as well
does the averaging in prior to sending it to the main CPU.

On Fri, 2007-07-27 at 11:47 +0200, Wein, Peter (ext) wrote:
> My touch driver works over spi connection. After the press down irq is sent to my driver, it will start a workqueue tasklet which won't finish measuring data until the job is done (for ads7846, if the measured pressure value went above 200000 for example (cause it is inversely proportional in my case). Only then it will stop sending data.  I use a ring structure to send the data. Wokrqueue tasklet is sending  a wake up signal to my wait event queue. With poll method my read function awakes and starts sending data oz of the ring structure. 
> The structure only contains x and y (32-bit as well for the matrix transformation algorithm) and pressure 1 or 0. This will well work for mou_touchscreen.c and devmouse.c.
> Hope this will help you.
> Cheers Peter  
> P.S.: By the way, maybe you also have to be aware of distortions during the analogous measurement of the controller. Every measurement also includes dummy measuremnts, before measuring each x, y, z1 and z2 value. Afterwards I also have to sort out and average the sent data (awful story)).

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