nanogui: Thread: screen editor for elks

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Subject: screen editor for elks
From: Greg Haerr ####@####.####
Date: 1 Jul 1999 15:51:39 -0000
Message-Id: <>

I have been cross compiling the three editors on the elkscmd distribution under
gcc, to attempt to see which ones work.

These are levee, stevie, and elvis.

Some definitely don't work well.  Has anyone every used any of these,
and does anyone have any comments?  I am looking for input as to use
under ELKS.

My plan is to make elkscmd build linux as well as ELKS versions of most this
stuff, so that it can be tested on a working OS as well a developmental OS.

I'm also working with ash and sash.


Subject: Re: screen editor for elks
From: Alistair Riddoch ####@####.####
Date: 1 Jul 1999 16:01:01 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Greg Haerr writes:
> I have been cross compiling the three editors on the elkscmd distribution under
> gcc, to attempt to see which ones work.
> These are levee, stevie, and elvis.

levee works reasonably well under ELKS, but is not very useful as it stores
the whole file in RAM, and thus can only edit small files. I haven't done
much with stevie yet. elvis works under ELKS in theory, but runs out of
heap memory as soon as it is run. elvis is much more capable then levee as
it uses a swap file, and so can edit large files, and is more complete.

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