gnupic: Square wave stimulus DOES work.

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Subject: Square wave stimulus DOES work.
From: Scott Dattalo ####@####.####
Date: 2 Jun 2000 12:05:53 -0000
Message-Id: <>

But let me explain.


I went back to the example for the square wave stimulus. Look in the gpsim
source directory:


You'll find two files:

Assemble stim_test.asm and try out the stimulu command file. e.g.

$ gpasm
$ gpsim
gpsim> load c

Now, this test asm file will monitor an I/O pin that has a square stimulus
attached to it. It counts the number of rising edges that are detected. The .stc
file sets a write break point on the counter variable and will break gpsim every
time the counter reaches the value of 10 dec. I just tried it out and it works
with version 0.19.2. 

Now two points need to be noted:

1) The pin-out window will not automatically update itself. Consequently, the
states for the I/O pins displayed in the window may not be accurate. You can
force the window to update by modifying one of the I/O pins (like double
clicking on one of the H's or L's)

2) The sqw stimulus does not drive the I/O pin. Instead, the I/O pin has to be
read to determine the state of the stimulus. What this means, is that you can't
use the sqw stimulus to initiate an interrupt on change. The I/O port has to
poll the stimulus to detect the change.


P.S. I modified the file slightly. Here's the new copy:

# set verbose 3
# gpsim

# Startup command file for stim_test.hex

# Create the processor that's to be simulated

processor p16c84 fred

# Load the .hex file

load s stim_test.cod

# Create a stimulus node:
node test_node

# Create a square wave stimulus that's 1000 cycles long
# and attach it to portb bit 0. The duty cycle is 30%
# and the phase is 10%. 
echo stimulus create

stimulus sqw

# initial 1
start 10000

period 1000

high_time 300

phase 100

# port portb 0


echo stimulus created

attach test_node portb0 sa_square_wave

# Set a cycle break point on the One hundred thousand'th
# execution cycle
break c 100000
# Set a register write break point when 10 (dec) is 
# written to register 0x20.
break wv 0x20 10

Previous by date: 2 Jun 2000 12:05:53 -0000 stimulus/timer problem is back, Martin Berentsen
Next by date: 2 Jun 2000 12:05:53 -0000 Re: Square wave stimulus DOES work., Ralf Forsberg
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