gnupic: Thread: PIC Programmer

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Subject: PIC Programmer
From: Kare A Sars ####@####.####
Date: 26 Jan 2001 12:08:02 -0000
Message-Id: <Pine.SOL.4.30.0101261408040.15764-100000@kruuna.Helsinki.FI>


My name is Kåre Särs and I'm a student at Helsinki University.

For a project in the university (a Force Feedback Wheel, just for me) I
have written an ICSP PIC programmer for linux, that uses the serial port.
The programmer is only tested on my PIC16F876, but I think it should work
at least for all PIC16F8XX. I want to release the program under the GPL
license. I would bee happy if anybody would like to test it and maybe send
bug reports or improvements. I have used prog84 as reference and I have
used some functions from prog84 with just minor changes. The advantage
with my program is that you don't have to be root or any special user, as
long as you have read and write rights to a serial port (/dev/ttySx). The
program should be easy to port to any OS that has a serial port API,
because I have used the standard serial port for linux. My program does
not have all the features prog84 has, and I can't control Memclear or RB3
from the software, but that the software can detect if these pins are high
or low. I'm using Low Voltage Programing to program my PIC but it should
be possible to use the normal High Voltage Programing with the program.

This is how I have set it up.
                      _______       ____________
                     |MAX 232|     | PIC 16F876 |
Data        (DTR)--->|       |---->| RB7        |
                     |       |   / |            |
Data_f      (CTS)---<|       |<-/  |            |
                     |       |     |            |
Clock       (RTS)--->|       |---->| RB6        |
                     |       |     |            |
Mclr or RB3 (DSR)---<|       |<----| RB6        |
                     |_______|     |____________|

The pins are configurable but only two can be output, RTS and DTR.

I'm using the same cable for both programming and communication.

I'm putting it out on the web on my homepage at


PS. The program is called 'sepic'

Subject: pic programmer
From: Nicolas Jouandeau ####@####.####
Date: 18 Oct 2002 09:48:07 -0000
Message-Id: <>

I tried to use picprog under freeBSD.
I want it work through serial port.

typing this:
>picprog --erase --burn --input LedFlasher.hex --pic /dev/cuaa0
here is the answer
>Removed code protection.
>Burning program eeprom,
>0000 0000 3000
>/dev/cuaa0:0000:unable to verify pic while programming.
>Is code protection enabled?  Use --erase option to disable code

so it does not work!
I need some help.

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