nanogui: Thread: GPL Handwriting recognition demo under nano-X

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Subject: GPL Handwriting recognition demo under nano-X
From: Gaillard Pierre-Olivier ####@####.####
Date: 13 Dec 1999 22:18:03 -0000
Message-Id: <>


I have used the kanjipad GPL program to recognize roman characters as
define by Goldberg(93) under Nano-X. 
This a very simplistic demo, not a real application. I hope some of you
be interested and help me test it on real hardware (I tested under X11
and write a really usable keyboard.

Here is the README.nanox file that I have added :

This README file was added by Pierre-Olivier Gaillard

I have added a few files to the standard Kanjipad distribution but
refrained from changing the original jstroke files.

To compile the nano-X demo.
1) Edit Makefile to suit your nano-X install
2) make nano
4) draw in the left (text) and right (numerics) windows according
  to newdoc/unistroke.fig. The detected characters will be printed
  on the standard error with scores between parentheses (the lower
  numbers are BETTER.)

What I did :
0) Mostly nothing, the algorithms are from Goldberg, Robert E.Wells and
  Todd David Rudick. And Owen Taylor ####@####.#### is the maintainer
  the kanjipad package. All the code is under GPL.
1) I used the unistroke alphabet to redefine the roman characters as in
   textdata.h. numdata.h contains mappings of the 10 first letters of
   alphabet to 10 figures (0-9).
2) I added documentation in newdoc.
    - directions.fig : shows the way to code directions for jstroke
    - unistroke.fig  : show the definitions of 26 letters.
    The original unistroke alphabet was defined by Goldberg in 1993 at
    Xerox Parc. You can find references on the Web.
3) I wrote simple interface files :
   -  nanox_demo.c : the main nanoX program. Creates a window and
    two subwindows. Accepts mouse input and prints characters detected
    to standard error.
   - dictionary.* : interface to the jstroke StrokeScorer.
                    does the printing to stderr.
   - rawstrokelist.* : easy to use way to input strokes (we only
    use one stroke characters, but it can handle more. I'd like to
    work on Japanese input later on.)

What needs work :
1) define a good and efficient set of characters (2 actually, one for
the text window and another for the numerical window).

2) Write a better input program
3) Define and implement the interface between this program and the
 rest of Nano-X.

Where to find updates :

 I really would like some help. Especially advice regarding the
  with Nano-X. In fact it would nice if somebody who really knows
 about user interfaces would show me how to do this well.        

    Thanks a lot.

	P.O. Gaillard
Subject: RE: GPL Handwriting recognition demo under nano-X
From: Greg Haerr ####@####.####
Date: 14 Dec 1999 00:49:27 -0000
Message-Id: <796896539E6CD311B0E70060083DFEFB0776E8@NBA-SLAM.CenSoft.COM>

: I have used the kanjipad GPL program to recognize roman characters as
: define by Goldberg(93) under Nano-X. 

Very impressive.

:  I really would like some help. Especially advice regarding the
: interface
:   with Nano-X. In fact it would nice if somebody who really knows
:  about user interfaces would show me how to do this well.        

There are several folks working on widget sets for the Nano-X api.
If you are looking for Nano-X API interface documentation, 
I've written an architecture document available at that you should read.
If you're looking for better looking and acting windows, you'll
have to use the Microwindows API for the time being.

I'll run your demo and let you know what I think.. 


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