newscache: Configuration help please

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Subject: Configuration help please
From: Mike Peasley ####@####.####
Date: 30 Jan 2006 08:22:32 +0000
Message-Id: <81d796261d96442c8a78c6fbec73d317@webserver001>


I am pretty new to linux, but one of the reasons I am using it is that I want to use Newscache.
After some initial frustrations, first of all with getting the OS to play nicely (Xandros 3.0.2 OCE - debian based)

I have installed Newscache and have got it to work ok on the Linux machine.  I am unable to connect to Newscache from the windows machines on the network (combinations of XP pro & Win2k)  The network is a simple workgroup setup and all machines can see each other.

The nnewscache log is showing that the windows machine (I am sticking with just trying one machine at the moment (XP)) is attempting to connect, but is denied.  This leads me to believe the problem is with the way I am trying to configure the newscache.conf.

I append the access list below.  Where it says *, I have tried many other things, including the IP address of the windows box in question, the name of the windows box etc.  The 192. IP addresses are not on my network, but I have left those entries in, as removing them didn't seem to help, and I didn't want to cause more harm.  If I can safely remove them I will.

I have not changed any of the comment lines, so they will reflect the config as it came.  I was going to change them when I got things working.....

I appreciate any help you may be able to offer.

Thanks in advance

AccessList {
  Client stdin {
    allow read post debug
    # list all newsgroups, allow users to read *, and to post to *
    List *
    Read *
    PostTo *
    # no further authentication necessary/possible
    Authentication none
  Client localhost {
    allow read post
    # list all newsgroups, allow users to read *, and to post to *
    # No xdebug command for unauthenticated clients.
    List *
    Read *
    PostTo *
    Authentication unix::::debug
    # all authenticated clients are able to use the xdebug command
  Client {
    allow read post
    # list all, except for alt.* newsgroups, allow users to
    # read at.* and to post to at.*
    List *
    Read *
    PostTo *
    # allow users to gain additional privileges by
    # authenticating based on a password file
    # the format of the file is username:password:read:postto
    Authentication none
  Client * {
     allow read post
    # list all, except for alt.* newsgroups, allow users to
    # read at.* and to post to at.*
    List *
    Read *
    PostTo *
    # allow users to gain additional privileges by
    # authenticating based on a password file
    # the format of the file is username:password:read:postto
    Authentication none
  Client {
    allow read post
    # deny access to all newsgroups
    List *
    Read *
    PostTo *
    # allow users to gain additional privileges by
    # authenticating using standard passwd semantics
    # allow to read * and to post to at.* after successful
    # authentication
    Authentication none
  Client {
    allow read
    # deny access to all newsgroups
    List at.*
    Read at.*
    PostTo !*
    Authentication none
    # allow users to gain additional privileges by
    # authenticating using standard passwd semantics
    # allow to read * and to post to * and can use the xdebug
    # command after successful authentication.
    # Unauthenticated clients can only read from at.* groups.
  Client {
    allow none
  Default {
    allow none

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