primax: PrimaxGUI & pxscan-0.4

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Subject: PrimaxGUI & pxscan-0.4
From: Thomas ####@####.####
Date: 7 Feb 2001 12:28:10 -0000
Message-Id: <01020712294400.00731@root>

The new version of Gustaf Kroling's pxscan works fine for me. 
Here is a modified primaxGUI (originally from ####@####.#### in which 
everything works with pxscan 0.4 except fo the speed slider. (It assumes 
pxscan is in /usr/local/bin)

# Visual Tcl v1.20 Project

global app; 
global bright; 
global che32; 
global che33; 
global che34; 
global contrast; 
global dirce; 
global gamma; 
global obj;
global pheight; 
global pposx; 
global pposy; 
global pwidth; 
global res; 
global sec; 
global speed; 
global widget; 
    set widget(about) {.top18}
    set widget(canvas) {.top17.can20}
    set widget(help) {.top22}
    set widget(rev,.top17.can20) {canvas}
    set widget(rev,.top17.sca39) {speed}
    set widget(rev,.top18) {about}
    set widget(rev,.top22) {help}
    set widget(rev,.top25) {about}
    set widget(speed) {.top17.sca39}
    set widget(version) {.top17.fra39.tex17}

proc init {argc argv} {
global sec;
global obj;
global xposa;
global yposa;
global xsizea;
global ysizea;
global pwidth;
global pheight;
global pposx;
global pposy;
global app;
set app /tmp/
set pwidth 8.50
set pheight 11.71
set pposx  108    
set pposy 147

init $argc $argv

proc {button-down} {sx sy} {
global xposa yposa widget obj
$widget(canvas) delete $obj
set xposa $sx
set yposa $sy
set obj [$widget(canvas) create rectangle $xposa $yposa $xposa $yposa -outline red]

proc {button-motion} {nx ny} {
global xposa yposa widget obj xsizea ysizea
set xsizea $nx
set ysizea $ny
$widget(canvas) coords $obj $xposa $yposa $nx $ny

proc {button-release} {nx ny} {
global xposa yposa widget obj
$widget(canvas) itemconfigure $obj -outline blue
after 1000 $widget(canvas) itemconfigure $obj -outline green

proc {image-preview} {} {
global pposx pposy pwidth pheight che33 che34 app
set tumb /tmp/tumb
set image /tmp/image
exec $app -p0x0 -d$pwidth\x$pheight -r 50 $che33 $che34 -n $image >>&/dev/null
exec tifftopnm $image >$tumb 2> /dev/null
exec rm -f $image
if { [ file exists $tumb ] == "1"} { image create photo "scan" -file [file join $tumb]}
image create photo "preview"
preview copy scan -subsample 2 2 -shrink
.top17.can20 create image $pposx $pposy -image preview

proc {main-quit} {} {
global app
if {[file exists /tmp/tumb ] == "1" } { exec rm -f /tmp/tumb }
if {[file exists /tmp/scan.tiff ] == "1" } { exec rm -f /tmp/scan.tiff }
if {[file exists /tmp/work ] == "1" } { exec rm -f /tmp/work }
exec $app -l off >>&/dev/null
if {[file exists /tmp/] == "1" } { exec rm -f /tmp/ }
.top17.can20 delete all

proc {options-load} {} {
global sec res speed bright contrast che32 che33 che34 gamma
if {[file exists /usr/local/etc/.rcprimaxGUI ]} {
set rcfile [open /usr/local/etc/.rcprimaxGUI r ]
set res [gets $rcfile ]
set speed [gets $rcfile ]
set bright [gets $rcfile ]
set contrast [ gets $rcfile ]
set gamma [gets $rcfile ]
set che32 [gets $rcfile ]
set che33 [gets $rcfile ]
set che34 [gets $rcfile ]
set sec [gets $rcfile ]
close $rcfile
} else {

proc {options-save} {} {
global sec res speed bright contrast che32 che33 che34 gamma
if {[file exists /usr/local/etc/.rcprimaxGUI ]} {
file delete -force /usr/local/etc/.rcprimaxGUI
} else {
set rcfile [open /usr/local/etc/.rcprimaxGUI a+]
puts $rcfile $res
puts $rcfile $speed
puts $rcfile $bright
puts $rcfile $contrast
puts $rcfile $gamma
puts $rcfile $che32
puts $rcfile $che33
puts $rcfile $che34
puts $rcfile $sec
flush $rcfile
close $rcfile

proc {save-png} {} {
set png [tk_getSaveFile -initialfile scan.png -title "Save as PNG..." ]
exec tifftopnm /tmp/scan.tiff > /tmp/temp.pnm 2> /dev/null
exec pnmtopng /tmp/temp.pnm >$png 2> /dev/null
file delete /tmp/temp.pnm
.top17.fra39.lab22 configure -text "PNG saved to: $png"

proc {save-pnm} {} {
set pnm [tk_getSaveFile -initialfile scan.pnm -title "PNM save as..." ]
exec tifftopnm /tmp/scan.tiff >$pnm 2> /dev/null
.top17.fra39.lab22 configure -text "PNM saved to: $pnm"

proc {save-ps} {} {
set psc [tk_getSaveFile -initialfile -title "PS save as..." ]
exec tiff2ps /tmp/scan.tiff >$psc 2> /dev/null
.top17.fra39.lab22 configure -text "PS saved as: $psc"

proc {save-tiff} {} {
set filename [tk_getSaveFile -initialfile scan.tiff -title "Save As.." ]
exec cp /tmp/scan.tiff $filename
.top17.fra39.lab22 configure -text "Image saved to $filename"

proc {scan-image} {} {
global app speed xpos ypos xsize ysize che32 che33 che34 res contrast bright gamma
exec $app -p $xpos\x$ypos -d $xsize\x$ysize  $che33 $che34 -r $res -c $contrast\/$bright\/$gamma -n /tmp/scan.tiff >>&/dev/null
puts "\a"
.top17.fra39.lab22 configure -text "Scanning finished.."

proc {smart-conversion} {} {
global yposa ysizea xposa xsizea xpos ypos xsize ysize

if {[expr $yposa > $ysizea] == "1"} {
    set ysize [expr ($yposa - $ysizea) / 25.35]
    set ypos  [expr $ysizea / 25.35]} else {
        set ysize [expr ($ysizea -$yposa) / 25.35]
        set ypos  [expr $yposa / 25.35]}
if {[expr $xposa > $xsizea] == "1"} {
    set xsize [expr ($xposa - $xsizea) / 25.35]
    set xpos  [expr $xsizea / 25.35]} else {
        set xsize [expr ($xsizea - $xposa) / 25.35]
        set xpos  [expr $xposa / 25.35]}

proc {main} {argc argv} {
global widget obj
set obj [$widget(canvas) create rectangle 0 0 0 0]
if {[ file exists /tmp/ ] == "1" } { exec rm -f /tmp/ }
exec echo "#! /bin/bash\n# generated by Primax GUI\n/usr/local/bin/pxscan $*\nexit 0" >> /tmp/
exec chmod 755 /tmp/

proc {check-run} {} {
global widget 
if {[file exists /usr/local/etc/.rcprimaxGUI ]} {
    } else {

proc {Window} {args} {
global vTcl
    set cmd [lindex $args 0]
    set name [lindex $args 1]
    set newname [lindex $args 2]
    set rest [lrange $args 3 end]
    if {$name == "" || $cmd == ""} {return}
    if {$newname == ""} {
        set newname $name
    set exists [winfo exists $newname]
    switch $cmd {
        show {
            if {$exists == "1" && $name != "."} {wm deiconify $name; return}
            if {[info procs vTclWindow(pre)$name] != ""} {
                eval "vTclWindow(pre)$name $newname $rest"
            if {[info procs vTclWindow$name] != ""} {
                eval "vTclWindow$name $newname $rest"
            if {[info procs vTclWindow(post)$name] != ""} {
                eval "vTclWindow(post)$name $newname $rest"
        hide    { if $exists {wm withdraw $newname; return} }
        iconify { if $exists {wm iconify $newname; return} }
        destroy { if $exists {destroy $newname; return} }


proc vTclWindow. {base} {
    if {$base == ""} {
        set base .
    wm focusmodel $base passive
    wm geometry $base 1x1+0+0
    wm maxsize $base 1009 738
    wm minsize $base 1 1
    wm overrideredirect $base 0
    wm resizable $base 0 0
    wm withdraw $base
    wm title $base "vt.tcl"

proc vTclWindow.top17 {base} {
    if {$base == ""} {
        set base .top17
    if {[winfo exists $base]} {
        wm deiconify $base; return
    toplevel $base -class Toplevel \
        -highlightbackground #c0c0c0 -highlightcolor #000000 -menu .top17.m17 
    wm focusmodel $base passive
    wm geometry $base 434x389+211+195
    wm maxsize $base 1000 1000
    wm minsize $base 420 420
    wm overrideredirect $base 0
    wm resizable $base 1 1
    wm deiconify $base
    wm title $base "Primax GUI ver. 0.99-9a"
    frame $base.fra39 \
        -borderwidth 2 -height 75 -highlightbackground #c0c0c0 \
        -highlightcolor #000000 -relief groove -width 125 
    label $base.fra39.lab19 \
        -background black \
        -font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 \
        -foreground #000000 -highlightbackground #c0c0c0 \
        -highlightcolor #000000 -relief groove 
    label $base.fra39.lab20 \
        -borderwidth 1 \
        -font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 \
        -foreground #000000 -highlightbackground #c0c0c0 \
        -highlightcolor #000000 -text {Scanner Status:} 
    label $base.fra39.lab22 \
        -background #18120e -borderwidth 1 \
        -font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 \
        -foreground #b4b4f0 -highlightbackground #c0c0c0 \
        -highlightcolor #000000 -relief raised \
        -text {Welcome to Primax GUI 0.99-9a} 
    entry $base.fra39.ent62 \
        -background #b4b4f0 \
        -font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 \
        -foreground #000000 -highlightbackground #a0a0a4 \
        -highlightcolor #000000 -selectbackground #000080 \
        -selectforeground #ffffff -textvariable sec 
    label $base.fra39.lab63 \
        -borderwidth 1 \
        -font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 \
        -foreground #000000 -highlightbackground #c0c0c0 \
        -highlightcolor #000000 \
        -text {You can change the Warm-Up time in seconds ...} 
    text $base.fra39.tex17
    canvas $base.can20 \
        -background #b4b4f0 -borderwidth 1 -height 207 \
        -highlightbackground #0e0e0e -highlightcolor #000000 -width 297 
    bind $base.can20 <B1-Motion> {
        button-motion %x %y
    bind $base.can20 <Button-1> {
        button-down %x %y
    bind $base.can20 <ButtonRelease-1> {
        button-release %x %y
    bind $base.can20 <Double-Button-1> {
    button $base.but23 \
        -activebackground #c0c0c0 -activeforeground #000000 -borderwidth 1 \
        -command {.top17.can20 delete all} \
        -font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 \
        -foreground #000000 -highlightbackground #c0c0c0 \
        -highlightcolor #0000f8 -padx 9 -pady 3 \
        -text {Clear preview window...}
    menu $base.m17 \
        -borderwidth 1 -cursor {} -font {Helvetica -12} 
    $base.m17 add cascade \
        -label File -menu .top17.m17.men18 
    $base.m17 add cascade \
        -label Settings -menu .top17.m17.men19 
    $base.m17 add cascade \
        -label Export -menu .top17.m17.men21 
    $base.m17 add cascade \
        -label Help -menu .top17.m17.men22 
    menu $base.m17.men18 \
        -borderwidth 1 -font {Helvetica -12} 
    $base.m17.men18 add command \
        -command {.top17.fra39.lab19 configure -background red
exec $app -l on >>&/dev/null
.top17.fra39.lab22 configure -text "Warming Up..."
exec sleep $sec
puts "\a"
.top17.fra39.lab22 configure -text "Scanner ready!"} \
        -label {Turn On...} 
    $base.m17.men18 add command \
        -command {exec $app -l off >>&/dev/null
.top17.fra39.lab19 configure -background black
.top17.fra39.lab22 configure -text "Scanner Turned Off..."} \
        -label {Turn Off...} 
    $base.m17.men18 add command \
        -command {set filename [ tk_getSaveFile -initialfile scan.tiff -title "Original Save As.."]
if {[file exists /tmp/scan.tiff ]} { 
exec cp /tmp/scan.tiff $filename 
.top17.fra39.lab22 configure -text "Image saved to: $filename"
} else {
.top17.fra39.lab22 configure -text "Please scan first!"
}} \
        -label {Save Image...} 
    $base.m17.men18 add command \
        -command main-quit -label Exit 
    $base.m17.men18 add command \
        -command {exec $app -l on 2>/dev/null
puts "\a"
.top17.fra39.lab22 configure -text "Scanner Forced to Online"
.top17.fra39.lab19 configure -background red} \
        -label {Instant Power} 
    menu $base.m17.men19 \
        -font {Helvetica -12} 
    $base.m17.men19 add command \
        -label Options... 
    $base.m17.men19 add command \
        -label {Save current Settings..} 
    menu $base.m17.men21 \
        -font {Helvetica -12} 
    $base.m17.men21 add command \
        -command save-png -label {Export to PNG ...} 
    $base.m17.men21 add command \
        -command save-pnm -label {Export to PNM...} 
    $base.m17.men21 add command \
        -command save-ps -label {Export to Postscript...} 
    $base.m17.men21 add command \
        -label {Export to ???} 
    menu $base.m17.men22 \
        -font {Helvetica -12 } 
    $base.m17.men22 add command \
        -label {About GUI...} 
    $base.m17.men22 add command \
        -label Commands... 
    scale $base.sca19 \
        -borderwidth 1 -font {Helvetica -10} -from -2000.0 -orient horiz \
        -to 1000.0 -troughcolor #b4b4f0 -variable contrast -width 10 
    scale $base.sca20 \
        -borderwidth 1 -font {Helvetica -10} -from -200.0 -orient horiz \
        -to 200.0 -troughcolor #b4b4f0 -variable bright -width 10 
    scale $base.sca21 \
        -borderwidth 1 -font {Helvetica -10} -from 0.2 -orient horiz \
        -resolution 0.1 -to 5.0 -troughcolor #b4b4f0 -variable gamma \
        -width 10 
    scale $base.sca22 \
        -activebackground #d9d9d9 -borderwidth 1 -font {Helvetica -10} \
        -from 50.0 -orient horiz -resolution 10.0 -to 300.0 \
        -troughcolor #b4b4f0 -variable res -width 10 
    label $base.lab23 \
        -borderwidth 1 -font {Helvetica -10} -relief raised -text Contrast: 
    label $base.lab24 \
        -borderwidth 1 -font {Helvetica -10} -relief raised -text Brightness: 
    label $base.lab25 \
        -borderwidth 1 -font {Helvetica -10} -relief raised -text Gamma: 
    label $base.lab26 \
        -borderwidth 1 -font {Helvetica -10} -relief raised -text Resolution: 
    scale $base.sca27 \
        -borderwidth 1 -font {Helvetica -10} -from 1.0 -orient horiz -to 15.0 \
        -troughcolor #b4b4f0 -variable speed -width 10 
    label $base.lab28 \
        -borderwidth 1 -font {Helvetica -10} -relief raised -text Speed: 
    button $base.but29 \
        -background red -foreground #180000 -padx 12 -pady 4 
    button $base.but30 \
        -background green -padx 12 -pady 4 
    button $base.but31 \
        -background blue -padx 12 -pady 4 
    checkbutton $base.che32 \
        -command {.top17.but29 configure -background red
.top17.but30 configure -background green
.top17.but31 configure -background blue
.top17.che33 deselect
.top17.che34 deselect} \
        -font {Helvetica -10} -offvalue {} -onvalue -R -selectcolor #b4b4f0 \
        -text {24 bit RGB} -variable che32 
    checkbutton $base.che33 \
        -command {.top17.but29 configure -background white
.top17.but30 configure -background grey
.top17.but31 configure -background black
.top17.che32 deselect
.top17.che34 deselect} \
        -font {Helvetica -10} -offvalue {} -onvalue -G -selectcolor #b4b4f0 \
        -text {8 bit Gray} -variable che33 
    checkbutton $base.che34 \
        -command {.top17.but29 configure -background white
.top17.but30 configure -background black
.top17.but31 configure -background white
.top17.che32 deselect
.top17.che33 deselect} \
        -font {Helvetica -10} -offvalue {} -onvalue -B -selectcolor #b4b4f0 \
        -text {1 bit B/W} -variable che34 
    label $base.lab35 \
        -borderwidth 1 -font {Helvetica -10} -relief raised -text CHANNELS 
    button $base.but36 \
        -borderwidth 1 -command scan-image -font {Helvetica -12} -padx 12 \
        -pady 4 -text {Scan selected area:} 
    scale $base.sca39 \
        -orient vert 
    label $base.lab18 \
        -borderwidth 1 -relief raised -textvariable dirce 
    place $base.fra39 \
        -x 3 -y 3 -width 420 -height 70 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.fra39.lab19 \
        -x 106 -y 7 -width 26 -height 13 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.fra39.lab20 \
        -x 5 -y 5 -width 101 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.fra39.lab22 \
        -x 12 -y 21 -width 401 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.fra39.ent62 \
        -x 12 -y 42 -width 28 -height 22 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.fra39.lab63 \
        -x 45 -y 45 -width 306 -height 18 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.can20 \
        -x 10 -y 80 -width 217 -height 296 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.but23 \
        -x 240 -y 350 -width 188 -height 26 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.sca19 \
        -x 245 -y 88 -width 171 -height 33 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.sca20 \
        -x 245 -y 134 -width 171 -height 31 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.sca21 \
        -x 243 -y 165 -width 106 -height 36 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.sca22 \
        -x 245 -y 195 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.lab23 \
        -x 300 -y 76 -width 61 -height 16 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.lab24 \
        -x 302 -y 123 -width 57 -height 16 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.lab25 \
        -x 354 -y 180 -width 55 -height 16 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.lab26 \
        -x 354 -y 211 -width 55 -height 16 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.sca27 \
        -x 244 -y 225 -width 106 -height 33 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.lab28 \
        -x 354 -y 240 -width 55 -height 16 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.but29 \
        -x 367 -y 260 -width 13 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.but30 \
        -x 380 -y 260 -width 13 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.but31 \
        -x 393 -y 260 -width 13 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.che32 \
        -x 240 -y 260 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.che33 \
        -x 240 -y 280 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.che34 \
        -x 240 -y 300 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.lab35 \
        -x 355 -y 290 -width 63 -height 16 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.but36 \
        -x 240 -y 320 -width 188 -height 26 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.lab18 \
        -x 145 -y 8 -width 271 -height 13 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 

proc vTclWindow.top18 {base} {
    if {$base == ""} {
        set base .top18
    if {[winfo exists $base]} {
        wm deiconify $base; return
    toplevel $base -class Toplevel \
        -background #000000 -highlightbackground #c0c0c0 \
        -highlightcolor #000000 
    wm focusmodel $base passive
    wm geometry $base 306x246+276+266
    wm maxsize $base 1009 738
    wm minsize $base 1 1
    wm overrideredirect $base 0
    wm resizable $base 0 0
    wm title $base "About...."
    label $base.lab20 \
        -background #c0c0c0 -borderwidth 1 \
        -font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 \
        -foreground #000000 -highlightbackground #c0c0c0 \
        -highlightcolor #000000 -relief raised \
        -text {Hello there. This is just GUI for drivers developed by Marco Foglia which you can reach at  : ####@####.####  Drivers cann be downloaded from:  I hope you enjoy this GUI like me developing it !!! All sugestions and comments are welcome to  ####@####.####  ---   Of course this project is developed under GPL license so it's Free as hell !} \
        -wraplength 250 
    button $base.but21 \
        -activebackground #c0c0c0 -activeforeground #000000 \
        -background #c0c0c0 -command {Window hide $widget(about)} \
        -font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1 \
        -foreground #000000 -highlightbackground #c0c0c0 \
        -highlightcolor #000000 -padx 9 -pady 3 \
        -text {Back to the program...} 
    place $base.lab20 \
        -x 8 -y 7 -width 291 -height 188 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.but21 \
        -x 55 -y 205 -width 193 -height 26 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 

proc vTclWindow.top19 {base} {
    if {$base == ""} {
        set base .top19
    if {[winfo exists $base]} {
        wm deiconify $base; return
    toplevel $base -class Toplevel
    wm focusmodel $base passive
    wm geometry $base 324x152+258+358
    wm maxsize $base 1009 738
    wm minsize $base 1 1
    wm overrideredirect $base 0
    wm resizable $base 1 1
    wm title $base "Settings Editor -Alpha-"
    entry $base.ent20
    label $base.lab21 \
        -borderwidth 1 -relief raised -text Port: 
    label $base.lab22 \
        -borderwidth 1 -relief raised -text {Temp flename:} 
    entry $base.ent23
    place $base.ent20 \
        -x 110 -y 5 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.lab21 \
        -x 10 -y 5 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.lab22 \
        -x 10 -y 25 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 
    place $base.ent23 \
        -x 110 -y 25 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore 

proc vTclWindow.top23 {base} {
    if {$base == ""} {
        set base .top23
    if {[winfo exists $base]} {
        wm deiconify $base; return
    toplevel $base -class Toplevel
    wm focusmodel $base passive
    wm geometry $base 200x200+565+21
    wm maxsize $base 1009 738
    wm minsize $base 1 1
    wm overrideredirect $base 0
    wm resizable $base 1 1
    wm title $base "New Toplevel 1"

Window show .
Window show .top17

main $argc $argv

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