nanogui: Re: Help --- assert( drivers/mempl4.c, line=237 ) --- follow up

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Subject: Re: Help --- assert( drivers/mempl4.c, line=237 ) --- follow up
From: "Greg Haerr" ####@####.####
Date: 24 Dec 1999 01:19:36 -0000
Message-Id: <00d101bf4d9b$69d37a80$15320cd0@gregh>

: Increasing the buffer is a solution. But, how big ?
: It would depend on the speed that the user move the
: mouse, how busy the system is, etc.
: Also, on RTEMS, and how it stands today, we need to recompile
: the system to increase the buffer of the termios routines.

I saw your later message where you've solved this problem
by reading all mouse and kbd data on each event.
- BUT - I still think the system should have a big enough
serial buffer so that the system doesn't lose data before
it hands it to any application.  I'd start with 1k bytes.
You should let the RTEMS people know about this,
or there's likely going to be more problems.

: Let me explain the semantic of rtems_event_receive works.
: It does not "count" events. It is a binary thing.
: If you have 30 bytes in the queue of the mouse
: driver, and if you are notified of a "mouse event",
: you must read everyting in there, or the system
: would block next time until at least one more byte 
: be inserted in the queue and a new event be posted.

OK.  This just means that you need to use while
loops after the pseudo-select, to pump the data
dry since the system won't tell you again until
something new has arrived.  And this is what
you've done in the later email.



Previous by date: 24 Dec 1999 01:19:36 -0000 RTEMS port, Greg Haerr
Next by date: 24 Dec 1999 01:19:36 -0000 RTEMS port -- new patch based on mwin-087pre2, Rosimildo daSilva
Previous in thread: 24 Dec 1999 01:19:36 -0000 Re: Help --- assert( drivers/mempl4.c, line=237 ) --- follow up, Rosimildo daSilva
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