nanogui: Nano-X-0.5pre3

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Subject: RE: Nano-X-0.5pre3
From: Greg Haerr ####@####.####
Date: 24 May 1999 17:26:04 -0000
Message-Id: <>

: And they can have the new stuff which we are planning to add if they want
: it. The main thing I think we should work towards is a common bitmap
: structure format between nano-X and bogl, which is used as the arguments
: to bogl's blit functions. I think the blit should be implemented at the
: bogl level, and it would be easier if bogl understood the nano-X graphics
: format directly...

	Blit is not required yet. It only adds value if we extend the upper level
api to draw into offscreen (memory) bitmaps, something that mini-x and nano-x
currently don't support.

	In the meantime, there is already a bitmap structure that nano-X (mini-x)
depends on, which is an array of GR_BITMAPs.  All of the sample programs
require this format for both the cursor bitmap and other images.  In my last
major release, 0.5, I implemented all this for the cursor, and didn't require a new
driver entry point. Remember, we're only talking about monocrhome bitmaps here,
not color pixmaps.

	In my major release today, I've continued to use the GR_BITMAP
structure to implement nano-X's native font format, so that a font can be
displayed using the same routines that display the cursor, etc.

	Another one of the reasons that it's not in our interest to implement
bitblt at the driver level yet is that all the drawing modes also need to be implemented,
SET, AND, OR, XOR at the blt level.  This is a huge job.  I think that it would
be better to agree on a color bitmap structure first.  In any case, until a high-level
api is created that allows offscreen drawing, all this does is make nano-X bigger,
with no user benefit but a slight speed increase.


Previous by date: 24 May 1999 17:26:04 -0000 Another major nano-X release, Greg Haerr
Next by date: 24 May 1999 17:26:04 -0000 Is this the first crack?, Bradley D. LaRonde
Previous in thread: 24 May 1999 17:26:04 -0000 Re: Nano-X-0.5pre3, Alex Holden
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