nanogui: display BMP file on iPAQ

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Subject: 湘葩: [nanogui] display BMP file on iPAQ
From: ####@####.####
Date: 19 Sep 2002 03:24:11 -0000
Message-Id: <>

which version r u using?I check the source and find that the line 1174 in the the module of GIF file. so can you give the function name ?
I think problem may be no enough memory , how much RAM in your iPAQ?

?件人: Pang ####@####.####
?送??: 2002年9月19日 11:17
收件人: ####@####.####
主?: [nanogui] display BMP file on iPAQ

I port the microwindows on iPAQ and I can build up a file system on the iPAQ in order to store and get file. I try to use the function GrDrawImageFromFile() in order to display a bmp file. It works on the PC. However, it shows "LoadBMP: image loading error" when I use this function to display the bmp file. After I add some printf() in the file engine/devimage.c, I check that the error occur at the last part which is get row data from file (at line 1174). Therefore, the bmp file cannot display. Why it happens on the iPAQ and not on the PC? Can you help me? Thanks!!


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