nanogui: nanoX coordinate system

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Subject: Re: nanoX coordinate system
From: Ben Pfaff ####@####.####
Date: 10 May 1999 17:31:32 -0000
Message-Id: <>

Greg Haerr ####@####.#### writes:

   Graphics coordinate systems typically come in one of two flavors:

	   DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); - draw a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2)

	   Type 1 systems draw a line *including* (x2, y2)
	   Type 2 systems draw a line *not including* the last point (x2, y2)

In my experience, Type 2 systems are usually more convenient for
geometric arithmetic; i.e., you only need to say `x2 - x1' to find a
dimension, which results in fewer off-by-one adjustments.

One way to think of a type 2 system is that the points are between the
gridlines rather than centered on the grid intersections.

	   For upper level api's there is a third type, that has width and height passed
   rather than using x2, y2.  NanoX uses this, but I plan to change it.  this goes
   for Ellipse specification as well.

That's the way that X specifies rectangles, actually (width, height).

	   My feeling is that type 2 systems are the way to go, because rectangles
   are described by two points in a bounding box, rather than width and height.  Also,
   in 0-based coordinate systems, x2,y2 is the width and height, rather than having to 
   calculate it.  Ms-Windows gdi programming is easy because of this.

   Currently, nanoX uses the type 1 specification, and we need the flexibility of using
   drivers that are written to type 2.  

   Ben: bogl currently aborts() when I try this.  Check out BOGL_fillrect for details.

When you try what?  Do you mean I should look at a wrapper routine to
see something you worked around?

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Next by date: 10 May 1999 17:31:32 -0000 Re: request for font utilities, Ben Pfaff
Previous in thread: 10 May 1999 17:31:32 -0000 nanoX coordinate system, Greg Haerr
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