nanogui: Re: execuse me, but i cannot send mail to mail-list. a confusion of microwindows

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Subject: Re: execuse me, but i cannot send mail to mail-list. a confusion of microwindows
From: "Greg Haerr" ####@####.####
Date: 12 Aug 2004 04:23:44 +0100
Message-Id: <018401c4801b$c0e3bf80$3eba46a6@winXP>

: i am reading microwindows' nanox API's implementation. i cannot find the
very line to draw
: the caret. i known the win32 API uses src/mwin/winlib/caret.c to implement
the caret.
: Q1:   will you please tell me which line to show or hide the caret?
:          or, is the caret implemented in flnx but not nanox?

Yes, the caret.c file is the implementation for the win32
caret.  However, the nano-X API nor FLNX uses this
method.  Instead, FLNX implements a caret using the
nano-X GrSetCursor API to change the graphical cursor.

: and, i want to use nxkbd and mouse to input characters, but some times,
the nxkbd will be always
: lower than the main-window which is going to be inputted, so, the nxkbd
will be invisible!!
: i want to solve this problem in the following way:
: when the mouse click into an editable control of APPLICATION, the caret
will be shown, at this very time,
: send message to nxkbd to RAISE window; when the caret is hide, send
message to nxkbd to LOWER window.

You will need to either modify the window manager, or
modify internals of nano-X to send a message to
a registered application (not yet implemented) whenever
the focus changes.  We don't quite implement selecting
for events for ANY windows, so you'll need a method to
tell the window manager to catch all focus changes.
Easier method would be to modify nanox/srvutil.c and/or
nanox/srvevent.c to send an event to a single window
whenever the focus changes.  This window id would be
the nxkbd window id.

: Q2:   how to send message from APPLICATION to nxkbd?
:           will you please give me a suggestion?

You can just execute a GrRaiseWindow from the internals
using nxkbd window id.



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