gnupic: PIC interrupt driven usart driver

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Subject: PIC interrupt driven usart driver
From: Michael Shiloh ####@####.####
Date: 30 Oct 1999 06:11:21 -0000
Message-Id: <>

(sorry if this is a repeat; i'm not sure my earlier post got out.)


i'm writing an interrupt driven driver for the usart on 
a 16C63A, and i'm having some trouble. 

i first wrote the transmitter, and tested it by repeatedly spitting
out some character. works fine.

next i wrote the receiver, and tested it by echoing the received character
out back out via the transmitter. in this case i use the transmitter
in non-interrupt mode so that i don't get interrupted again right away.

what i see are garbled characters. for every key i press, i get echoed
back the wrong character. for a given key, it is always the same character
e.g. if i press 'm' i always get 'i'.

i can see no pattern, e.g. the mapping doesn't seem to be explained by
a bit stuck one way or the other.

one thing that occurred to me that i haven't tested yet, is that
currently i copy the character directly out of the RCREG into the TXREG;
tonight i'll try putting it in a temporary variable in between.

if anyone else is interested, i would be more than happy to make
the finished driver publicly available.

also, does anyone know if Microchip makes a flash part with the
same usart? i couldn't find one but i may have not seen it.

i'm writing in C, using the C2C compiler, gpasm, on a linux platform. 
my C code follows, with the assembly listing below. 

any comments and suggestions will be appreciated.

michael shiloh

 - - - - - - - - 8< - - - - - cut here - - - - - - - - 8< - - - - - 

#define PORT_A_DIR 0x0	/* all are outputs */
#define PORT_B_DIR 0xf0	/* bits 7-4 are inputs */
#define PORT_C_DIR 0xc0	/* bits 7-6 must be set for usart mode*/

/* bits in the interrupt control register, INTCON */

#define t0if_bitmask 0x04	/* timer 0 interrupt flag bitmask */

/* bits in the peripheral interrupt register, PIR1 */

#define txif_bitnum 4		/* usart transmit interrupt flag bit number */
#define txif_bitmask 0x10	/* usart transmit interrupt flag bit mask */
#define rcif_bitnum 5		/* usart receive interrupt flag bit number */
#define rcif_bitmask 0x20	/* usart receive interrupt flag bit mask */

char TXSTA@0x98;
char SPBRG@0x99;

char RCSTA@0x18;
char TXREG@0x19;
char RCREG@0x1A;

char PIR1@0x0C;
char PIE1@0x8C;

void interrupt( void )
	if (INTCON & t0if_bitmask) 
	    /* perform whatever gets done here */
		clear_bit( INTCON, T0IF );  //clear TMR0 overflow flag
	if (PIR1 & txif_bitmask)
		/* TXREG = 'm';  */
		clear_bit( PIR1, txif_bitnum );  //clear transmit interrupt flag
	if (PIR1 & rcif_bitmask)
		clear_bit( PIR1, rcif_bitnum );  //clear receive interrupt flag


 /* disable all interrupts */
    disable_interrupt( GIE );

    set_bit( STATUS, RP0 );		/* bank 1 */

    OPTION_REG = 0;

    SPBRG = 25;    /* with BRGH = 0 and 4 Mhz xtal; 2400 baud  */

    clear_bit( TXSTA, BRGH );		/* low speed */
    clear_bit( TXSTA, SYNC );		/* async mode */

	set_bit( PIE1, TXIE);			/* enable transmit interrupts */
	clear_bit( PIE1, TXIE);			/* DISenable transmit interrupts */

	set_bit( PIE1, RCIE);			/* enable receive interrupts */

    set_tris_a( PORT_A_DIR );
    set_tris_b( PORT_B_DIR );
    set_tris_c( PORT_C_DIR );

    clear_bit( STATUS, RP0 );		/* bank 0 */

    output_port_a( 0 );
    output_port_b( 0 );
    output_port_c( 0 );

    enable_interrupt( GIE );
    enable_interrupt( T0IE );  		/* enable TMR0 overflow bit */
    enable_interrupt( PEIE );  		/* enable peripheral interrupts */

    set_bit (RCSTA, SPEN );			/* enable serial port */
	set_bit (RCSTA, CREN);			/* enable receiver */

    set_bit( STATUS, RP0 );
	set_bit (TXSTA, TXEN);			/* enable transmitter */
    clear_bit( STATUS, RP0 );

	/* send out a start char, so i know we're alive */
	TXREG = 'M'; 

	while (1)


gpasm 0.0.7 alpha               uartInter.asm9-29-1999  11:31:55          PAGE  1
Variables *****************************************

               00001 ; This file was generated by C2C-plus compiler version 3.26e
0000           00001         LIST
               00002 ; P16C63A.INC  Standard Header File, Version 1.00    Microchip Technology, Inc.
0000           00284         LIST
               00003         include "/home/michaels/c2c30/h/p16c63.h"
               00004         title "Variables *****************************************"
  00000020     00005 __int_save_cont_W               equ 0x20
  00000021     00006 __int_save_cont_STATUS          equ 0x21
  00000098     00007 _TXSTA                          equ 0x98
  00000099     00008 _SPBRG                          equ 0x99
  00000018     00009 _RCSTA                          equ 0x18
  00000019     00010 _TXREG                          equ 0x19
  0000001A     00011 _RCREG                          equ 0x1a
  0000000C     00012 _PIR1                           equ 0x0c
  0000008C     00013 _PIE1                           equ 0x8c
0000           00014         ORG 0
0000 2817      00015         goto start__code
0004           00017         ORG 4
0004           00018 _interrupt
0004           00019 _interrupt__code
0004 00A0      00020         movwf __int_save_cont_W
0005 0EA0      00021         swapf __int_save_cont_W, F
0006 0E03      00022         swapf STATUS, W
0007 00A1      00023         movwf __int_save_cont_STATUS
0008 1D0B      00024         btfss INTCON, 2
0009 280B      00025         goto label_0000
000A 110B      00026         bcf INTCON, T0IF
000B           00027 label_0000
000B 1E0C      00028         btfss _PIR1, 4
000C 280E      00029         goto label_0001
000D 120C      00030         bcf _PIR1, D'4'
000E           00031 label_0001
000E 1E8C      00032         btfss _PIR1, 5
000F 2813      00033         goto label_0002
0010 081A      00034         movf _RCREG, W
0011 0099      00035         movwf _TXREG
0012 128C      00036         bcf _PIR1, D'5'
0013           00037 label_0002
0013 0E21      00038         swapf __int_save_cont_STATUS, W
0014 0083      00039         movwf STATUS
0015 0E20      00040         swapf __int_save_cont_W, W
0016 0009      00041         retfie
0017           00042 _interrupt__end
0017           00044 start__code
0017           00045 _main__code
0017 138B      00046         bcf INTCON, GIE
0018 130B      00047         bcf INTCON, PEIE
0019 128B      00048         bcf INTCON, T0IE
001A 120B      00049         bcf INTCON, INTE
001B 118B      00050         bcf INTCON, RBIE
001C 110B      00051         bcf INTCON, T0IF
001D 108B      00052         bcf INTCON, INTF
gpasm 0.0.7 alpha               uartInter.asm9-29-1999  11:31:55          PAGE  2
Variables *****************************************
001E 100B      00053         bcf INTCON, RBIF
001F 1683      00054         bsf STATUS, RP0
0020 0181      00055         clrf OPTION_REG
0021 3019      00056         movlw D'25'
0022 0099      00057         movwf _SPBRG
0023 1118      00058         bcf _TXSTA, BRGH
0024 1218      00059         bcf _TXSTA, SYNC
0025 160C      00060         bsf _PIE1, TXIE
0026 120C      00061         bcf _PIE1, TXIE
0027 168C      00062         bsf _PIE1, RCIE
0028 3000      00063         movlw D'0'
0029 0085      00064         movwf TRISA
002A 30F0      00065         movlw D'240'
002B 0086      00066         movwf TRISB
002C 30C0      00067         movlw D'192'
002D 0087      00068         movwf TRISC
002E 1283      00069         bcf STATUS, RP0
002F 0185      00070         clrf PORTA
0030 0186      00071         clrf PORTB
0031 0187      00072         clrf PORTC
0032 178B      00073         bsf INTCON, GIE
0033 168B      00074         bsf INTCON, T0IE
0034 170B      00075         bsf INTCON, PEIE
0035 1798      00076         bsf _RCSTA, SPEN
0036 1618      00077         bsf _RCSTA, CREN
0037 1683      00078         bsf STATUS, RP0
0038 1698      00079         bsf _TXSTA, TXEN
0039 1283      00080         bcf STATUS, RP0
003A 304D      00081         movlw D'77'
003B 0099      00082         movwf _TXREG
003C           00083 label_0003
003C 283C      00084         goto label_0003
003D           00085 label_0004
003D           00086 _main__end
gpasm 0.0.7 alpha               uartInter.asm9-29-1999  11:31:55          PAGE  3
Variables *****************************************

  LABEL                             VALUE 

BF                                00000000
BRGH                              00000002
C                                 00000000
CCP1CON                           00000017
CCP1IE                            00000002
CCP1IF                            00000002
CCP1M0                            00000000
CCP1M1                            00000001
CCP1M2                            00000002
CCP1M3                            00000003
CCP1X                             00000005
CCP1Y                             00000004
CCP2CON                           0000001D
CCP2IE                            00000000
CCP2IF                            00000000
CCP2M0                            00000000
CCP2M1                            00000001
CCP2M2                            00000002
CCP2M3                            00000003
CCP2X                             00000005
CCP2Y                             00000004
CCPR1H                            00000016
CCPR1L                            00000015
CCPR2H                            0000001C
CCPR2L                            0000001B
CKP                               00000004
CREN                              00000004
CSRC                              00000007
D                                 00000005
DATA_ADDRESS                      00000005
DC                                00000001
D_A                               00000005
F                                 00000001
FERR                              00000002
FSR                               00000004
GIE                               00000007
I2C_DATA                          00000005
I2C_READ                          00000002
I2C_START                         00000003
I2C_STOP                          00000004
INDF                              00000000
INTCON                            0000000B
INTE                              00000004
INTEDG                            00000006
INTF                              00000001
IRP                               00000007
NOT_A                             00000005
NOT_ADDRESS                       00000005
NOT_BO                            00000000
NOT_BOR                           00000000
NOT_PD                            00000003
NOT_POR                           00000001
NOT_RBPU                          00000007
NOT_RC8                           00000006
gpasm 0.0.7 alpha               uartInter.asm9-29-1999  11:31:55          PAGE  4
Variables *****************************************
NOT_T1SYNC                        00000002
NOT_TO                            00000004
NOT_TX8                           00000006
NOT_W                             00000002
NOT_WRITE                         00000002
OERR                              00000001
OPTION_REG                        00000081
P                                 00000004
PCL                               00000002
PCLATH                            0000000A
PCON                              0000008E
PEIE                              00000006
PIE1                              0000008C
PIE2                              0000008D
PIR1                              0000000C
PIR2                              0000000D
PORTA                             00000005
PORTB                             00000006
PORTC                             00000007
PR2                               00000092
PS0                               00000000
PS1                               00000001
PS2                               00000002
PSA                               00000003
R                                 00000002
RBIE                              00000003
RBIF                              00000000
RC8_9                             00000006
RC9                               00000006
RCD8                              00000000
RCIE                              00000005
RCIF                              00000005
RCREG                             0000001A
RCSTA                             00000018
READ_WRITE                        00000002
RP0                               00000005
RP1                               00000006
RX9                               00000006
RX9D                              00000000
R_W                               00000002
S                                 00000003
SPBRG                             00000099
SPEN                              00000007
SREN                              00000005
SSPADD                            00000093
SSPBUF                            00000013
SSPCON                            00000014
SSPEN                             00000005
SSPIE                             00000003
SSPIF                             00000003
SSPM0                             00000000
SSPM1                             00000001
SSPM2                             00000002
SSPM3                             00000003
SSPOV                             00000006
SSPSTAT                           00000094
STATUS                            00000003
SYNC                              00000004
T0CS                              00000005
gpasm 0.0.7 alpha               uartInter.asm9-29-1999  11:31:55          PAGE  5
Variables *****************************************
T0IE                              00000005
T0IF                              00000002
T0SE                              00000004
T1CKPS0                           00000004
T1CKPS1                           00000005
T1CON                             00000010
T1INSYNC                          00000002
T1OSCEN                           00000003
T2CKPS0                           00000000
T2CKPS1                           00000001
T2CON                             00000012
TMR0                              00000001
TMR1CS                            00000001
TMR1H                             0000000F
TMR1IE                            00000000
TMR1IF                            00000000
TMR1L                             0000000E
TMR1ON                            00000000
TMR2                              00000011
TMR2IE                            00000001
TMR2IF                            00000001
TMR2ON                            00000002
TOUTPS0                           00000003
TOUTPS1                           00000004
TOUTPS2                           00000005
TOUTPS3                           00000006
TRISA                             00000085
TRISB                             00000086
TRISC                             00000087
TRMT                              00000001
TX8_9                             00000006
TX9                               00000006
TX9D                              00000000
TXD8                              00000000
TXEN                              00000005
TXIE                              00000004
TXIF                              00000004
TXREG                             00000019
TXSTA                             00000098
UA                                00000001
W                                 00000000
WCOL                              00000007
Z                                 00000002
_BODEN_OFF                        00003FBF
_BODEN_ON                         00003FFF
_CP_50                            00002AEF
_CP_75                            000015DF
_CP_ALL                           000000CF
_CP_OFF                           00003FFF
_HS_OSC                           00003FFE
_LP_OSC                           00003FFC
_PIE1                             0000008C
_PIR1                             0000000C
_PWRTE_OFF                        00003FFF
_PWRTE_ON                         00003FF7
_RCREG                            0000001A
_RCSTA                            00000018
_RC_OSC                           00003FFF
_SPBRG                            00000099
gpasm 0.0.7 alpha               uartInter.asm9-29-1999  11:31:55          PAGE  6
Variables *****************************************
_TXREG                            00000019
_TXSTA                            00000098
_WDT_OFF                          00003FFB
_WDT_ON                           00003FFF
_XT_OSC                           00003FFD
__int_save_cont_STATUS            00000021
__int_save_cont_W                 00000020
_interrupt                        00000004
_interrupt__code                  00000004
_interrupt__end                   00000017
_main__code                       00000017
_main__end                        0000003D
label_0000                        0000000B
label_0001                        0000000E
label_0002                        00000013
label_0003                        0000003C
label_0004                        0000003D
start__code                       00000017

Errors   :       0
Warnings :       0
Messages :       0

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