nanogui: implementing a polling touchscreen driver

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Subject: Re: [nanogui] implementing a polling touchscreen driver
From: "Greg Haerr" ####@####.####
Date: 2 Nov 2005 05:01:47 +0000
Message-Id: <0a3701c5df6a$71e35b20$6401a8c0@winXP>

: I'm trying to get my touchscreen hardware working with Nano-X, with some
: success.  I already had some code
: for a Linux driver written by my predecessor, it doesn't map the
: touchpad to a device
: in /dev, rather it sets up an interrupt handler to set a flag when the
: screen
: has been pressed, then require callers to call an ioctl() to get the X,Y
: coords.

It's always better to wait in select() than poll, otherwise excessive
CPU usage will result.

: My embedded distribution has Microwindows Version 0.89pre7 so that's the
: version I'm using.

A number of mouse driver enhancements have been made since then.
Definitely suggest upgrading to at least 0.91.

: I made some modifications to the supplied uClinux-CLEOPATRA driver, it
: seemed
: fairly close to my needs.  I #defined  CLEOPATRA to be 1 in
: nanox/srvmain.c so that the polling in my mouse
: driver is called instead of the GsSelect that does a select on the mouse
: file descriptor,
: see code below.

I don't have that source anywhere...  don't know about CLEOPATRA mods.

: When I start nano-X I do have the mouse pointer tracking the touchscreen
: presses correctly.
: The problem is that after adding that touchpad driver, client programs
: do not seem to display
: at all.    I cannot see how any window events are processed by the
: polling GsSelect?
: There seems to be a chunk of functionality in the true select based
: GsSelect function
: for extra event processing.

You'll likely have to hack GsSelect() if you don't support actual
select() functionality.  If you're seeing the mouse move, but
nano-X isn't getting it, perhaps the mouse isn't being drawn by
nano-X.  Put printf() debugs in engine/devmouse.c.



: Can anyone advise on the correct way to get a polling touchscreen driver
: to work, or
: should I go back and modify my driver to map the touchscreen to an entry
: in /dev
: and go with the select() based reading?  Are there any real advantages
: to having the driver
: work from /dev instead of being polled?
: Thanks,
: Sean
: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
: void
: GsSelect(GR_TIMEOUT timeout)
: {
:     /* If mouse data present, service it*/
:     if(mousedev.Poll())
:         while(GsCheckMouseEvent())
:             continue;
:    /* If keyboard data present, service it*/
:     if(kbddev.Poll())
:         while(GsCheckKeyboardEvent())
:             continue;
: }
: #elif UNIX && defined(HAVESELECT) && !CLEOPATRA
: void
: GsSelect(GR_TIMEOUT timeout)
: {
:     fd_set  rfds;
:     int     e;
:     int setsize = 0;
:     struct timeval tout, *to;
:     /* perform pre-select duties, if any*/
:     if(rootwp->psd->PreSelect)
:         rootwp->psd->PreSelect(rootwp->psd);
:     /* Set up the FDs for use in the main select(): */
:     FD_ZERO(&rfds);
:     // in our case  mouse_fd = 1, keyb_fd = -2
:     if(mouse_fd >= 0) {
:         FD_SET(mouse_fd, &rfds);
:         if (mouse_fd > setsize)
:             setsize = mouse_fd;
:     }
:     if(keyb_fd >= 0) {
:         FD_SET(keyb_fd, &rfds);
:         if (keyb_fd > setsize)
:             setsize = keyb_fd;
:     }
:     /* handle registered input file descriptors*/
:     if (regfd != -1) {
:         FD_SET(regfd, &rfds);
:         if (regfd > setsize) setsize = regfd;
:     }
: #else /* not NONETWORK */
:     /* handle client socket connections*/
:     FD_SET(un_sock, &rfds);
:     if (un_sock > setsize) setsize = un_sock;
:     curclient = root_client;
:     while(curclient) {
:         if(curclient->waiting_for_event && curclient->eventhead) {
:             curclient->waiting_for_event = FALSE;
:             GrGetNextEventWrapperFinish(curclient->id);
:             return;
:         }
:         FD_SET(curclient->id, &rfds);
:         if(curclient->id > setsize) setsize = curclient->id;
:         curclient = curclient->next;
:     }
: #endif /* NONETWORK */
:     /* Set up the timeout for the main select(): */
:     if(GdGetNextTimeout(&tout, timeout) == TRUE)
:         to = &tout;
:     else to = NULL;
:     /* Wait for some input on any of the fds in the set or a timeout: */
:     // select returns 0 if timeout, -ve for error, else no. descriptors
: changed
:     if((e = select(setsize+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, to)) > 0) {
:         /* If data is present on the mouse fd, service it: */
:         if(mouse_fd >= 0 && FD_ISSET(mouse_fd, &rfds))
:             while(GsCheckMouseEvent())
:                 continue;
:         /* If data is present on the keyboard fd, service it: */
:         if(keyb_fd >= 0 && FD_ISSET(keyb_fd, &rfds))
:             while(GsCheckKeyboardEvent())
:                 continue;
:         /* If registered input descriptor, handle it*/
:         if(regfd != -1 && FD_ISSET(regfd, &rfds)) {
:             GR_EVENT_FDINPUT *  gp;
:             gp = (GR_EVENT_FDINPUT *)GsAllocEvent(curclient);
:             if(gp) {
:                 gp->type = GR_EVENT_TYPE_FDINPUT;
:                 gp->fd = regfd;
:             }
:         }
: #else /* not NONETWORK */
:         /* If a client is trying to connect, accept it: */
:         if(FD_ISSET(un_sock, &rfds))
:             GsAcceptClient();
:         /* If a client is sending us a command, handle it: */
:         curclient = root_client;
:         while(curclient) {
:             GR_CLIENT *curclient_next;
:             /* curclient may be freed in GsDropClient*/
:             curclient_next = curclient->next;
:             if(FD_ISSET(curclient->id, &rfds))
:                 GsHandleClient(curclient->id);
:             curclient = curclient_next;
:         }
: #endif /* NONETWORK */
:     }
:     else if (e == 0) {
:         printf("select got timeout\n");
:         /*
:          * Timeout has occured.  Currently return
:          * a timeout event regardless of whether
:          * client has selected for it.
:          */
:         if(GdTimeout() == TRUE) {
:             GR_EVENT_GENERAL *  gp;
:             gp = (GR_EVENT_GENERAL *)GsAllocEvent(curclient);
:             if(gp)
:                 gp->type = GR_EVENT_TYPE_TIMEOUT;
:         }
: #else /* not NONETWORK */
:         GdTimeout();
: #endif /* NONETWORK */
:     } else
:         if(errno != EINTR)
:             EPRINTF("Select() call in main failed\n");
: }
: #endif /* UNIX && defined(HAVESELECT)*/
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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